Saturday 6 August 2011

The New Mixing Control Panel

In the forthcoming version of Symphonix Evolution we've redesigned the Mixer.  The original version looked like this:
And here's what the same panel looks like in version 1.85:
The new version is displayed in a larger window so it's easier to manipulate the controls.  It adds the ability to see either the current volume (MIDI controller #7) or sound level (a combination of MIDI velocity and volume).  The "sound level" mode makes it easy to see which tracks are currently playing music.  There's also a Pan controller under each track that operates MIDI controller #10 (panpot).  Mute and Solo buttons provide the ability to isolate individual tracks.

The Mixer is updated in real time while music is playing so you can use it to see which tracks are active.

In the next post we'll move on to another major new feature.  Watch this space!


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